Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Post/Mark Warner

Just so that I did not have a completely blank, dotted blog page, I figured I would write in a little bit about Mark Warner's speech tonight at the Democratic National Convention. I found his speech incredibly inspiring, mainly because many of his views reflect my own, such as putting truly passionate, qualified teachers in public schools, preparing for the future instead of living in the past, and especially when he brought up that fact that there should not be labels next to ideas as I referenced in class today, but that there should just be ideas without a "D" or an "R" next to them. I also agree with the fact that the Bush Administration's primary fault was that he did not guide the American people. The Administration has simply taken matters into their own hands, behind sound-proofed, securely locked doors. In reality, the Bush Administration could have asked the American people to step up to the plate to reduce our dependency on foreign oil immediately following 9/11/01, and the people who are at this point ignorant, would not have been at that time, and been able to see the effect that something like that would cause in the grand scheme of things for this country. Mark Warner is the type of politician I would like to see in the oval office some day. He has the required experience to make a difference, evidence to support his plans, and the real ideas that can push this country foreward.