Wednesday, November 26, 2008

If I Had the Power of Pardon

Well, I would have started with pardoning myself for my driving infraction, and then I would have thought about other people. Strictly because my case was not complicated, and it would be a good diving board for the more complicated stuff. Then, because I am against the death penalty I would reduce the sentence of all those who are on death row, to a life sentence in a maximum security prison (giving a chance to prove their innocence). Then, I would take the liberty of pardoning those who had committed crimes against Microsoft, like embezzlement and such, and then, I would look at random cases of people who had sent me letters, and sort out which people I would let go because of a lack of evidence supporting the accusations. Of course I would wait until the end of my presidency to pardon the Microsoft people, because I wouldn't want people to think it was legal, just as a pat on the back to those who had already done it. :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Fantastic. I have thought from the start that the only way the nations economy would be able to stabilize is to have Barack Obama's policies put into action. Now, we have that chance. I am thrilled. I cannot even express the emotions and feelings of relief when I heard from the man himself that he would be the next president of the United States. I really haven't got that much else to say other than: SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Voting Age

The only reason I believe the voting age should be changed, is because I think that if teens have the possibility of being drafted into the military, they should have the choice of electing the person that will initiate that draft. Other than that, there really is no need to lower the voting age, because it would mean absolute chaos for younger voters, who would have no interest in voting, and probably wouldn't bother which is probably why the voting age is what it is now. I think the system works as it is now, and if given the chance, I probably wouldn't change it.

Electoral College Reformation

I believe there is nothing wrong with the electoral college, I think it makes perfect sense, to have candidates battle in one state and when the candidate wins the state, he wins the electoral votes of the state. It is still controlled by popular vote. The difference is, the popular vote is divided into smaller groups based on geography and population, and the winner of these divisions wins the electoral vote. I see nothing wrong with that, and frankly, just having a popular vote would be chaotic, because there would be so much more room for error.

Palin Rally

I have to admit, I wasn't too impressed. When Palin spoke, I expected to hear some truly serious issues come out, and figured she count be constrained enough to act like an adult and not spend her time on the podium bashing her opponent. I do not appreciate being talked to like a baby, or worse, an idiot. I felt like the entire time she was speaking that she was dumbing-down serious issues with a big, dopey smile on her face. I have an immense amount of respect for the woman, but I do not see that reflected back when I hear her speak. I have to admit, I share the same thoughts as others in the fact that I'm still waiting for someone to jump out from behind a podium somewhere and say, “Hey, it's a joke!”

Should the government regulate interest groups?

Absolutely not. There is not too much else to say. My reasoning is that these groups act purely on one of the primary bases of our government which is freedom of speech. I think that interest groups do just as much bad as good, and if I could, I would definitely regulate them, merely so that the government could run a little more smoothly with a little less hassle. The fact of the matter is though, the reason this interest groups are formed in the first place, is because in this country we have the right to say what we want, where we want, and when we want. It should not be up to our government to limit this, as it would be a direct violation of our freedom of speech as Americans.