Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Equal Opportunity to Govern

I think that this amendment is perfectly reasonable. I see nothing wrong with it. For all we know, and by we I mean my cynical self, some other country could send in someone who becomes a citizen who could then run for president and destroy the country. Making the law so that you have to be a natural born citizen, just makes sense for safety if nothing else. I think this amendment is better for national security than the freakin' USA PATRIOT Act.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The no child left behind program has not been successful. Instead of being taught things that the students will enjoy and succeed at, they are being taught things that may be completely worthless to them in the long run. They are merely learning how to take a standardized test. How is that going to help them in the real world? How often does a boss say to their employee, "find the trigonometric function that goes with the following equation:"? Never! The only thing we have to show for this program is higher numbers on standardized tests. That is ridiculous. What needs to be shown are things like less fortunate students having the resources to learn how to fix a car, and then actually doing it. Students being able to aid in constructing a house, and actually doing it. The goal should not be to make them ready to pass their SAT's in the first grade. They should be taking classes that will allow them to do what they want in life, and see if they like it, before they pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to a college based purely on merit, only to get there and realize they don't want to do anything the college offers, or even be in college at all.

Most Important Aid

I think that the most important aid depends on the circumstances of the presidency. During war-time I would say the defense advisor, and military advisors. During times like these, i.e. economic problems and the green revolution, I'd say key economic advisors as well as advisors on behalf of the EPA.