Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Political Humor

I found this one while I was surfing the web, and I think it really captures how President Bush is going to go down in history as an inspiration to 21st century Americans.... I have to say, this actually made me laugh because of how true it really is. Unfortunately, people are sick and tired of having someone in office doing what any other person on the planet is capable of doing. I think this is a fantastic cartoon though, and I speak for many of my friends when I say we've felt this way at one point or another with this current Presidential Administration.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Official Stance on the Environment

If it got down to the sole issue of the environment and energy to make my decision between the two candidates, it would be Barack Obama. I think he has had the ideas for a long enough time that he was able to work out the potential thoughts, and would be able to immediately implement his policies when in office. John McCain, though he has more age and experience than Obama, lacks the ability to be able to walk in to congress and say, here's my idea, here's why it works, and here's some potential faults, and still get congress to vote with him. Obama on the other hand has brilliant policies that have so much common sense, it would be ridiculous if they were not immediately put into place. Sure, McCain wants to drill for oil to hold us off for a while, but how long? Obama will have plans put into place by the end of his first term, that will keep 10% of this country's energy coming from renewable resources. That makes so much sense, that even our current president probably couldn't see a problem with it. McCain has some great ideas, but he really doesn't show how or more importantly, when he is going to implement them.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Obama's Speech

Senator Obama's speech was indeed what the media has been calling a "spectacle." He made brilliant, compelling points on major issues, that stand out to me as great ideas. He spoke about the deficit, patriotism, the American family, equal opportunity, and many other things I agree with. To an uninformed spectator, it may not have seemed that he was smashing his opposition, John McCain. However, upon further inspection, the Senator's speech included specific details that have been slightly stretched. Although he spoke of McCain with great respect, he continued to burn John McCain. Now, I agree with much of the contents of Senator Obama's speech, but I cannot stand when candidates do everything in their power to make the other candidate look bad, instead of just making themselves look good. What does that say about a person who cannot say enough about how much potential he/she has as a presidential candidate, that they have to resort to slamming the opposition. I know that this goes both ways in terms of McCain lashing out at Obama, as evidenced by almost every commercial he has ever run, but I just wish that some day in my lifetime, an election can occur in which the candidates have enough good to say about themselves, that they don't have to seriously burn the other candidate just to make themselves look good.