Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Obama's Speech

Senator Obama's speech was indeed what the media has been calling a "spectacle." He made brilliant, compelling points on major issues, that stand out to me as great ideas. He spoke about the deficit, patriotism, the American family, equal opportunity, and many other things I agree with. To an uninformed spectator, it may not have seemed that he was smashing his opposition, John McCain. However, upon further inspection, the Senator's speech included specific details that have been slightly stretched. Although he spoke of McCain with great respect, he continued to burn John McCain. Now, I agree with much of the contents of Senator Obama's speech, but I cannot stand when candidates do everything in their power to make the other candidate look bad, instead of just making themselves look good. What does that say about a person who cannot say enough about how much potential he/she has as a presidential candidate, that they have to resort to slamming the opposition. I know that this goes both ways in terms of McCain lashing out at Obama, as evidenced by almost every commercial he has ever run, but I just wish that some day in my lifetime, an election can occur in which the candidates have enough good to say about themselves, that they don't have to seriously burn the other candidate just to make themselves look good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There always has been negative campaigning, and will probably always be. I wouldnt expect that to go away anytime soon.