Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If I could vote......... which I can't.......

I have to say, this is probably the second worst nominee decision since George Bush and John Kerry. Oh, wait, that was just last election wasn't it..... Well, to be completely honest, I would have to vote for Barack Obama. I have to say I see him as the lesser of two evils, as I find it very difficult to agree with even more than half of each candidate's stance. I have learned a lot more about Senator Obama then I did before, but I still think he is the better choice. I think that Senator Obama has better insights into the life of the common American, and I think he would do a better job stabilizing the environment for everyone. I would have to say John McCain as overstepped his boundaries, and if it isn't obvious, the man cannot make decisions for the good of his own campaign, as indicated by his VP choice, Sarah Palin, so how is he going to make decisions for the greater good of the nation. I'm not saying that I could single-handedly if at all, fix any of the problems this nation is facing, but at this point, John McCain has a blind shot over water, and at least Obama has a target, be it in the water or not.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Second Debate

I think this debate was yet another draw, and I do not believe I am alone in thinking this. I do however believe that Barack Obama has a better stage presence and is a better speaker, and this has not changed at all after this debate. For the most part, issues were focused on, and nothing too drastic occurred. I was only able to catch part of the debate, as it whisked me off to sleep after a short while, but I'd like to see a real debate between these two candidates where one will actually have the ability to win, by not only stating policies, but where policies can be expained so that the common sense behind the policies can be realized, and people can see exactly what the fight incorporates, instead of just being, "Oh, Obama wants to raise taxes..." I think that if people looked at the why and the why not, and the ultimate simplicity and high rate of success for certain policies, we would have a debate that had a winner by a very large margin, and I think it would be Barack Obama.

VP Debate

A little late on this post, but nonetheless... The VP debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin, was considered to be a draw. I believe the same. I think that many of the questions were far too broad, and left the candidates able to manipulate the question however they wanted. I think that many of the answers were premeditated, and I think that they showed little to nothing about the candidates themselves. Sure, they mirrored the policies of their running mates, because they are to be "second" in the race for the White House, but at the same token, it would have been more beneficial to see how they would help their running mate be a better president as an advisor, instead of "power-pointing" their running mates' policies over and over. The debate was definitely beneficial for Governor Palin, she help up well, and was overall better "behaved" than other press-related statements and interviews. However, she tried to relate too much to the common person, and brought in her experience as the governer of Alaska much more than is due credit for. Senator Biden was honest and forthright, I think he had his mind set on the issues at hand, and not on having to bash the other candidate. Though this may be a necessary evil in this campaign because the ball was already rolling, I think that this debate should have been a little cleaner. I think the Seator gave a better presence and performance, but I give the Governor credit for being better than she has been in the past.