Wednesday, October 8, 2008

VP Debate

A little late on this post, but nonetheless... The VP debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin, was considered to be a draw. I believe the same. I think that many of the questions were far too broad, and left the candidates able to manipulate the question however they wanted. I think that many of the answers were premeditated, and I think that they showed little to nothing about the candidates themselves. Sure, they mirrored the policies of their running mates, because they are to be "second" in the race for the White House, but at the same token, it would have been more beneficial to see how they would help their running mate be a better president as an advisor, instead of "power-pointing" their running mates' policies over and over. The debate was definitely beneficial for Governor Palin, she help up well, and was overall better "behaved" than other press-related statements and interviews. However, she tried to relate too much to the common person, and brought in her experience as the governer of Alaska much more than is due credit for. Senator Biden was honest and forthright, I think he had his mind set on the issues at hand, and not on having to bash the other candidate. Though this may be a necessary evil in this campaign because the ball was already rolling, I think that this debate should have been a little cleaner. I think the Seator gave a better presence and performance, but I give the Governor credit for being better than she has been in the past.

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