Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Political Humor

I found this one while I was surfing the web, and I think it really captures how President Bush is going to go down in history as an inspiration to 21st century Americans.... I have to say, this actually made me laugh because of how true it really is. Unfortunately, people are sick and tired of having someone in office doing what any other person on the planet is capable of doing. I think this is a fantastic cartoon though, and I speak for many of my friends when I say we've felt this way at one point or another with this current Presidential Administration.


ktblash said...

How does this cartoon tie into our discussion the other day about elite schools?

Susanne Nobles said...

Mrs. Blashforcd sent me your blog because of the connection she saw [see her post :)] with the discussion the other day. You make a great point about people not wanting just anybody to be President ... but that can be defined as more than the education they have.